05 Jun

My name is Mariah Anderson, I am in 9th grade and graduate in 2026. 

I attend United South Central High School and I'm a Pitcher.

My plans after high school: to go to college and maybe play softball.

My favorite memories: when my team beat Randolph who was the defending state champions and going out to eat as a team.

My goals for off season:  gain more speed in my pitches and get my pitches moving better.

My favorite part of softball: the team aspect and playing with my friends. I also enjoy the team bonding activities.

My best advice I have received is trust the process

My best advice for younger kids: the more effort you put in the off season the more it will pay off and enjoy the big and small moments.

My favorite class is math.

Other activities: gymnastics. 

Awards: I have got are this year and last year I received all conference first team in the gopher conference. I also made breakdown's top 35 underclassmen.

I go to 24/7 in the off season to become a better player and pitcher.

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