27 Mar

Get to know Kylinn Stangl!

Kylinn Stangl, 10th grade, pitcher/3rd base at Mankato East and 15U Team USA Pitcher. 

"One goal I have for the upcoming season is: making an appearance at State."

“I love softball because of the friendships that I have made from it and I am a very competitive person, so it works because the game is very competitive.”

When she’s not playing softball: "I like to go support my siblings with their sporting events."

Her favorite softball memory is: "when I hit my first varsity home-run and it was a walk-off to win the Conference game."

Future goal for college is: "to go to a Division 1 school where I can perform and be my best self."

Favorite athlete is: Anthony Edwards.

Favorite quote: “Be the hardest working person you can be. That’s how you separate yourself from the competition” - Stephen Curry

Her advice for younger athletes is: "live in the moment, and always be open to making new friends throughout your career, you will never regret it."

The best advice that she has been given is: "control the controllables."

Favorite pregame meal is: Extra Cheddar Goldfish or "Oh Snap dilly bites."

Pregame ritual is:" when I put my hair up I always put tie in my lucky ribbon , then I have to put on my eyeblack crosses starting with the right cheek then the left."

Why she goes to 24/7 Ball Sports: “I go to 24/7 because I love working on my game. I love using the equipment they have there so I can track my progress.”

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